Imam Hassan Al-Banna : "Medan bercakap tidak sama dengan medan berkhayal, Medan beramal tidak sama dengan medan bercakap, Medan berjihad tidak sama dengan medan beramal ,Medan berjihad sebenar tidak sama dengan medan berjihad yang silap."
Wanita cantik melukis kekuatan lewat masalahnya, tersenyum saat tertekan, tertawa disaat hati sedang menangis, memberkahi saat terhina, mempesona kerana memaafkan… Wanita cantik mengasihi tanpa pamrih dan bertambah kuat dalam doa dan pengharapan…Wanita cantik mencintai Allah swt lebih dari segala-galanya... menunduk kerana malu dan menunduk kerana enggan, tiada berbicara dgn seseorang kecuali ketika tersenyum...itulah peribadi Rasulullah s.a.w...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Side by Side

They lie on the table side by side...
The Holy Quran and the T.V. Guide...
One is well worn and cherished with pride...
Not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide...

One is used daily to help folks decide...
No, not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide...
As the pages are turned, what shall they see...
Oh, what does it matter, turn on the T.V...

So they open the book in which they confide. ..
No, not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide...

The Word of Allah is seldom read...
Maybe a verse before they fall into bed...
Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be...
Not from reading the Quran, from watching T.V...

So then back to the table side by side...
Lie the Holy Quran and the T.V. Guide...
No time for prayer, no time for the Word...
The plan of Istiqama is seldom heard...

But forgiveness of sin, so full and free...
Is found in the Quran, not on T.V ...

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